There are numerous ways to send money online, making it as simple as a few taps to pay a friend back, charge someone for something, split a restaurant bill, loan some money, etc. However, not all money sending apps are free to use. While some might appear free at first since they let you send money to others and receive money yourself, you might need to pay a small fee when it comes time to actually transfer the money into your bank. The money sending apps I've listed below are 100% free to use. They do not charge fees to send money, to receive money, or to withdraw your money (in most situations). Plus, you may even have a few of these on your phone right now, putting you just minutes away from sending money. What's more is that some of these money sending services support card-to-card transfers, meaning you don't need to worry about hooking up your bank, waiting for verification deposits, etc. Cash App My personal favorite way to send money is wi...
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